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“Vain, Empty, Worthless Worship”

     Some people believe that God accepts any and all worship. This is not true as is evident from Jesus statement in Matt. 15:9, “in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.” So any worship that is of man is not accepted by the Lord. Jesus also described true worship as that which is done in spirit and in truth, John 4:24. Jesus stated that “Thy word is truth,” John 17:17. So our worship must be in spirit and in accordance with God’s word.

     God’s word describes worship for us today as prayer, I Thess. 5:17; singing praises, Eph. 5:19; teaching and preaching the word, II Tim. 4:2. Scriptural worship also includes giving on the first day of the week, I Cor. 16:1, 2 and partaking of the Lord’s Supper (unleavened bread and fruit of the vine) on the first day of the week, Matt. 26:26-30 and Acts 20:7. The New Testament Church that Jesus established participated in these acts of worship each week. So should we. Worship is so important that it should be done regularly and sincerely. God’s word instructs us to be regular and faithful in our attendance and “not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together”…but to “continue meeting and exhorting one another…” Heb. 10:25.

     This Sunday will you be in a New Testament, Bible-believing church that worships the Lord Jesus Christ after the pattern given in the Bible?

—Ivy Conner